According to two large clinical trials, dapotime, a novel antidepressant, is both safe and effective for the treatment of premature ejaculation. Dapotime is a serotonin reuptake inhibitor with a short half-life.
Premature ejaculation is aggravating and frequently embarrassing, and it may significantly impair your ability to have a satisfying sex life.Nobody wants to reach the climax before their partner has had a chance to enjoy themselves, yet this is just what happens.
Your quest for treatments for pre-ejaculatory ejaculation may take you in a number of different places. Prescription medicines developed for the treatment of premature ejaculation may be one path your search takes.
Now Dapotime For Sale is the only prescription drug available particularly for the treatment of early ejaculation. It is categorized medically as a fast-acting SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor).
Expert Opinions
According to Dr. Jon Pryor, chief researcher at the University of Minnesota, Dapotime prolonged ejaculation time and also provided patients with more control over ejaculation.
The study team analyzed the outcomes of two studies involving a total of 2,614 males. All of the guys ejaculated prematurely in varying degrees, on average, the men ejaculated within one minute of penetration. Half of them took Dapotime and the other half received a placebo. Both groups were required to take their medicine between one and three hours before to sexual intercourse.
After three months, males using a 30-milligram dose of dapotime required an average of 2.78 minutes to ejaculate following penetration, whereas those taking a 60-milligram dose required 3.32 minutes. On average, the placebo group spent 1.75 minutes (after three months).The FDA rejected dapotime last year.
Premature Ejaculation – What Is It?
In everyday parlance, it implies ‘coming too rapidly’ (for a man). The male ejaculates more frequently than he or his spouse wishes. This is a regular occurrence on sometimes. If this occurs frequently, it is viewed as a problem by many men and some of their partners. It is the most prevalent male sexual dysfunction, affecting around 20% of guys in the United States of America between the ages of 18 and 59.
The issue is believed to be psychological in nature. However, it is also possible for it to be biological.In males, a side effect of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) is delayed ejaculation. Dapotime, a short-acting selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, is the first medication approved for premature ejaculation.
After oral treatment, dapotime reaches its highest plasma concentrations after an hour. Elimination is fast, with a terminal half-life of around 19 hours.Numerous randomized controlled studies have been conducted on dapotime for premature ejaculation.1-6 the key outcome measure in the majority of trials was ‘intravaginal ejaculatory delay time,’ which was assessed using a stopwatch by the partner.